What role should our Rite play in the changes of our societies?

Speech by the S.G.C. Gian-Paolo Barbi at the 54th European Conference and of the associated Countries of the SS.GG.CC. of the A:.A:.S:.R:. read in Geneva on May 18th, 2023.


Dear and Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commanders,

I think that, before undertaking initiatives intended to define our role in the improvement of our society, it is necessary to do an accurate analysis of the existing relations with it. We know that Freemasonry – and particularly the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite – permeated with the principles of brotherhood, solidarity and generosity is aware of its role of spiritual guide. Freemasonry has always located the human being at the center of its philanthropic reflections, with the declared purpose of contributing to the good of Humanity.

The ensuing actions, even if completely beneficial, such as the opening of hospitals, laic schools, employment centers, home for indigent, are often hampered and ignored by those systems that look at our initiatives with suspect. The history of prejudice against us is well known and can be synthesized in two matters: firstly, since we have a traditional society with an initiatory nature, we are pursuing aims that uninitiated cannot understand. This incapacity to comprehend can arise distrust and even hostility.

On the other side, we must consider that the open-minded and tolerant character distinctive of our institution has inevitably always been against those religions and those political systems which deny freedom of thought. This is a fact which must be considered, and which constitutes the first difficulty of relations with the profane world.

Obviously, the situation is different from one country to another. There are nations, mostly Anglo-Saxons, where Freemasonry is appreciated and experienced as useful for the country, while in others – like my country– in which the context is very different. Therefore, it appears indispensable to try to modify, or at least to improve this feeling, both with the institutions, to establish a dialogue with, and with the society. The difficulty of this action could be supported by media professionals to promote our institution successfully.

The diversity that distinguishes us from the profane world – of which we are highly proud –if presented in a correct way, should no longer be seen as a risk, but accepted, and, afterwards, seen as a precious social resource.

To this prejudicial obstacle, a second one should be considered: today, we assist to a dangerous standardizing initiative that involve economy, but also political and religious ideologies. Consequently, the capacity to think critically, the individuality and the search for self-determining fulfillment can only be seen with bother, or indeed, interpreted as a threat to the establishment.

Without dwelling too much on the analysis of the causes, kindly note that the politically correct arose at first as a legitimate attempt to eliminate any form of intolerance towards ethnic minorities and consequently towards everyone.Since the beginning, was perceived as a dangerous form of censorship. If, from one side was preserving the form, on the other did not solve the primary problem, resulting in a hypocritical appearance.

It is not a surprise that the politically correct, existing all over the western world, represents the risk of deteriorating into a single thought, which would certainly involve the systematic introduction of all sorts of impediments and sanctions to prevent any kind of demonstration of thought that is not lined up with the philosophical and social vision of society.

Despite the incredible scientific progress, the third millennium is increasingly surrounded of obscurantism and intolerance, aggravated by the tremendous intellectual void that submerges the new generations, the so-called cancel culture. Its mad iconoclasm, as also his incapacity to understand history represents a further degradation of the politically correct. We are facing an eclipse of the philosophical thought and of the classical spirit.

Obviously, these considerations, should not constitute an excuse for inaction.We have always been by Humanside, and we will continue in our Work. It is impossible to list all the initiatives undertaken by Freemasonry to improve the Human condition, providing the necessary supports, both material and immaterial, to allow human being to arise from social and intellectual misery; they are simply countless. However, we can shortly linger on their spirit: for us emancipation, as far as possible from need and disease, but above all freedom of thought, gives to human being the possibility to do their very best, both collectively and individually. Social equality, achieved through legislative mechanisms shared and aimed at the common good, allows society to evolve peacefully. This can only be achieved if human being will look at his fellow man as a brother, and not as a victim, as the Latin saying: Homo Homini Lupus.

Freemasonry is not only a charitable institution, but our aim go further, we should not limit ourselves to solve only immediate problems, even if they are important.It is obvious that if a human being is hungry, firstly we need to provide him food, but this is only the first step. In the becoming, we must ensure that he develops his own abilities, and that he will be able to become independent in his need and that, helping others that will follow his example.


We come now, more specifically, to the purposes of my reflection: what role should our Rite have in the changes of our societies?

From my point of view, we should consider that the well-being of body and mind is only the first step to allow human being to assume his dignity social role. I am referring of dignity and not of ability because, in our considerations, we cannot forget that Spirituality is the most important constituent of human being and that trying to suppress it, or containing it, would represent inflicting the cruelest mutilation. In other terms, to achieve the spiritual development that its nature requires, our action should concentrate on the fact that humanity should be able to escape both from religious dogmatism and from materialism that oppresses our societies.

Freemasonry, and particularly the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite –of which it is the most authentic interpreter – is free from absolutism, not imposing any truth, only referring to the opportunity to search for it.For the more willing ones, being a precious guide.

Our Rite, for some aspects, is the atanor in which everyone realizes himself, and, mutatis mutandis, exportingin the profane world those principles of wisdom which contains.

Without overlooking the initiatory works that take place in our Temples, first of all it is necessary that we discuss about the ethical and philosophical topics with the most important social relevance, ranging from biotechnology to surrogacy, from analphabetism to the legitimization of drugs. The spreading of those philosophical and ethical principles which are the basis of the Scottish Rite and which aim at the creation of a society enhances on principles of brotherhood, solidarity and tolerance, in which each person can spontaneously in his becoming proceed in accordance with natural laws.

Therefore,preliminary meetings are necessary, using the professionalism and multidisciplinary skills of delegated Brethren, to define our objectives, identifying the human and financial resources that we can have at our disposal, to determine the most proper strategies, achieving results in an acceptable time.

In this regard,clearly appear some of our gaps. Let’s start by saying that, because of our limited financial and human resources, because even if qualified they are numerically limited, we cannot influence our society in a short time. Consequently – I think the best results can be only obtainable with a close collaboration of many Supreme Councils.

From my point of view, we must continue achieving the classic Masonic method, namely the training of human being, especially of young people. This aim clearly requires a multiple approach, which cannot prescind from the world of school. For this purpose, it is certainly appropriate to try to bring into the Columns of the Temple educators and, especially, teachers of every order and level, who can consequently educate their students to our principles.

In this perspective, would be useful to grant scholarship, both for high schools and universities, for students who will develop Freemasonry topics in all its aspects, providing also Masonic books to school and civic libraries.

Furthermore, to the mentioned student approach, it might be useful to promote cultural initiatives open to profane society and also in this case I believe that the support ofmedia professionals can be important.

The aim of the approach should not be finalized to introduce Freemasonry as it could not be interesting and produce fear or even hostility. Personally, I think – but this is only a proposal – that should be appropriate to leverage some attracting aspects such as Masonic music concerts or theatrical pieces focusing on freedom of opinion. For example, I remember the performance of L’ Affaire Calas, inspired by the Treaty of Tolerance of Voltaire, that took place in 2016 at the Quirino Theater in Rome promoted by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Italy for the young cultural program.

The actors were all students attending a scientific high school in Rome.

Finally, our Rite should also refer to ecology. Nature is certainly one of the matters more discussed by Brethren in their Architectural Tables and nowadays it is a very popular topic also in young people.

This is an ethical problem of dramatic importance, nowadays, our planet seems no longer able to support the human depredation and unfortunately, human beings seem unwilling to change their attitude. Hypothetically, specialist of this sector, not necessarily Freemasons, could organize conferences in schools and universities to promote a sustainable and responsible economic model, far from fanaticism or merely economic interests.

Personally, I believe that synergies are indispensable to create a new social conscience. Within the profane world, it is necessary to search and to recognize people and institutions that have similar aims to ours. We need to focus on those who are intellectually honest and ideologically free, able to denounce the evils of our society; helping us to find and to apply solutions to correct the dangerous social drift we are experiencing.

On this matter, particular energies should be directed to the world of journalists to obtain correct and non-partisan information, as it is still happening in our case.

Finally, I would like to remind you that is not possible to give if you don’t have, this is why I think it is very important for us to have a sincere and intense debate on social issues which, obviously, as I have already mentioned, should not take place to the disadvantage of our Initiatory Works which are fundamental for our becoming. Concerning this matter, I suggest setting up a Scottish commission of Brethren, nominated by their respective Supreme Councils, in charge and with the resource to realize this project.

Most Powerful Brethren thank you for your kind attention.

Gian-Paolo Barbi, 33 SGC
